释义 |
1 [计]?磁带组 ... 磁带主文件 {自} magnetic tape master file; 磁带组 tape pool; 磁带转接部件 {自} magnetic tape switching unit; ... 2 ?磁带池 ... tape plotting system ==> 磁带绘图系统 tape pool ==> 磁带池,磁带组,带库 tape preamplifier ==> 磁带录音机前置放大器 ...
- 1
The first tape contains a lot of good-natured bantering around our pool table, ending with Roger playing the saxophone for me. 第一盘磁带里包含了很多我们围着台球桌嬉戏玩笑的内容,最后罗杰为我吹萨克斯。 - 2
The first tape contains a lot of good-natured bantering around our pool table, ending with Roger playing the saxophone for me while our German shepherd, King, howled. 一盘是在我们家台球桌旁各种各样的玩笑戏谑,带子的结尾是罗杰为我吹了一段萨克斯,我们家那只狼狗,金,则在一旁嗥叫。 - 3
Using only untreated brown cardboard and clear packing tape, each team built a boat that could hold 2 students. They paddled across the 23-meter Lakewood High School pool. 参赛学生用未经加工的棕色厚纸板和透明胶带制作可容纳2人的纸船,荡起桨划过学校23米长的游泳池。