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1 ?带检查 ... 带字符检查 tape character check 带检查 tape checking 带清洁器 tape cleaner ...
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Examples include daily tape backup change procedures, checking logs, or reporting problems. 示例包括每日的磁带备份更换过程、检查日志或报告问题。 - 2
You've got to give it to her, though: she got the top job and she made a bold move, which at least made watching the company more fun than checking the ticker tape on Dell (DELL) or IBM (IBM). 不过,你得承认:她成功当上了惠普掌门人,然后又推行了大胆的措施,这至少让惠普的股价走势比戴尔和IBM要有趣得多。 - 3
In traditional classes, English listening is conducted in a quite fixed mode: explaining new words, listening to the tape, doing written exercises, and then checking of answers. 中学英语听力教学仍然沿用传统僵化的教学模式:教师解释生词,学生听录音,做书面练习,然后教师与学生核对答案。