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结构、细胞核 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
It is easily extracted, because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria. 它很容易提取,因为它是在细胞核之外、叫做线粒体的结构里被发现的少量基因之一。 - 2
Chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of a cell, are thread-like structures that contain genes which determine the characteristics of an individual. 染色体是在细胞核中发现的,它是一种含有基因的线型结构,能够使不同人有不同特征。 - 3
And it is easily extracted, because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria. 同时也很容易以线粒体的结构萃取,因为它属于细胞核外的基因。