? 二、结构的分类:按几何形状结构可分为: ? 杆系结构(structure of bar system) :构件的横截面尺寸<<长度尺寸; ? 板壳结构(plate and shell structure) :构件的厚度<<表面尺寸 ? 实体结构(massive struct...
1 F u z h o u U n i v e r s i t y Back Nest 结构的分类 结构按其几何特征可分为: 杆件结构(structure of bar system) :由杆件所组成; 长度>>截面的 宽度与高度 示例 板壳结构(plate and shell structures): 厚度<<其他两个方向的尺度;又称薄...
This paper introduces the machine structureof controlled five-bar mechanism and its theory of control, and puts forward a plan that develops the program of the control system by VC base on PMAC.
To introduce automatic control system and its systemstructure for the bar continuous mill of Changzhi Iron and Steel (Group) Company. It includes system communication and basic control methods.
Through analyzing structure and stress of the traction system, the reason and improvement scheme of bar stock "spin" in the operation of the horizontal continuous casting system.