释义 |
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On Thursday morning, after a small plane crashed into an Austin, Texas, office building, he was breaking them, having rushed into the burning structure to help people escape. 在周四早晨,在一架小型飞机撞入德州奥斯汀的一个办公楼后,他正在一边破坏这些废墟,一边冲进了正在燃烧的建筑物中帮助人们逃脱。 - 2
All things being equal, which they rarely are, the higher the cyclical stress level on an aircraft structure, the fewer the number of reversals it can withstand before breaking. 所有的事情很少是平等的,飞机结构上的周期性压力水平更高,破碎前它可以承受倒转的数字就更少些。 - 3
You can break this down structure even further, marking the punctuation (the period, comma, and hyphen) or breaking the zip code into two pieces. 您可以进一步细化这个结构,标记标点(句点、逗号和短横线)或将邮政编码分为两部分。