The roofing system in lightweight steel structure is composed of roof truss, structural OSB panel, waterproof layer and lightweight roofing tile, which is also named metal or asphalt tile.
轻钢结构住宅屋面系统是由屋架、结构OS B面板、防水层、轻型屋面瓦,又为金属或沥青瓦,组成的。
The foam glass tile of the present invention is strong enough that it can also be used as a structural member for a building.
本发明的泡沫体玻璃瓷砖足够坚固,以 致于它还可用作建筑物的结构元件。
The roles of interface between tile fiber and the matrix in fiber reinforced metal matrix composites are studied during wear according to the structural features of the composites.