n. 注入口,铸口;口炎性腹泻(热带病的...
adj. 萌芽的;已发芽的;发了芽的 | v. ...
... 所属州: MI 名字: Sproule 姓: Leslie ...
le 中文名: 斯普勒 英文名: Sproule 出生年月: 1981-02-18 身高: 173 位置: 中场 国籍: 北爱尔兰 曾效力俱乐部 10-11赛季 布里斯托城 英冠 09-10赛 基于1个网页
斯普洛尔 ; 斯普劳尔 ; 西蒙·斯普洛尔 ; 西蒙·斯普鲁尔
伊万·斯普鲁利 ; 史普利
Both Curreri and Sproule have new albums being released within weeks of each other.
NPR: Paul Curreri And Devon Sproule: A Couple Of Solo Artists
When Sproule was 18 and playing a show in town, Curreri jumped onstage and into her life.
Goalscorer McGowan was fortunate to escape without even a yellow card for reacting angrily to a clumsy Sproule challenge.
BBC: Sport - Hibernian 1-3 Hearts