释义 |
boxwood 英/ ?b?ksw?d / 美/ ?bɑ?ksw?d / 1 [木]?黄杨木 黄杨木 ( Boxwood ) : 坚固的,均匀的密 集性,温暖的,圆润的音色。 2 ?黄杨 ...que)史乘特征的建立格调,古色古香的收用吊灯,气概恢弘的牌楼式制造以及运动场内盆口粗的香樟(Camphor)、虬枝老根的黄杨(Boxwood)等所营建的粘稠史书气味与中原古代中秋(Mid-Autumn Festival)的长远意境可谓相辅相成。 3 ?黄杨木材 collect the Earthmaul Ward ? 收集的earthmaul病房 boxwood ? (名) 黄杨木材, 黄杨木 Turn off Payment Notification Email ? 关闭付款通知电子邮件 .. 4 ?又称箱子木 又称箱子木(boxwood),手伤沾湿易感染,质地致密也较逊,且不易变形,颜色较淡,木材有光泽,色泽淡雅匀整,沉于水,纹理致密有光泽,或小乔木;二是...
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Edison's lab tested carbonized filaments made from plants as diverse as baywood, boxwood, hickory, cedar, flax and bamboo. 爱迪生的实验室测试了取材于不同植物的碳化灯丝,有月桂,黄杨木,胡桃木,雪松,亚麻和竹子。 - 2
Fitted with ebony, rosewood or boxwood three different kinds of sets. - 3
The kinds of wood carving are mainly whitewood, blackwood and boxwood carvings.