释义 |
1 ?始终 ... 通“众”(zhòng)。多〖many〗 始终,总。表始终全过程〖consistently;thoughtout;fromstarttofinish〗 终究,到底〖afterall〗 ... 2 ?总 ... 通“众”(zhòng)。多〖many〗 始终,总。表始终全过程〖consistently;thoughtout;fromstarttofinish〗 终究,到底〖afterall〗 ...
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It immediately reflects our work and should as such have a well thoughtout, planned and executed delivery. 它能直接反应出我们的工作所有我们在实施之前要有深思熟虑,并有缜密的计划。 - 2
The exhibition , which is the result of years of training by kindness and a carefully thoughtout dietary system , comprises , among other achievements , the recitation of verse. 诚然令人惊异的是此狗所显示的“人化”现象。基于多年慈祥的训练和精心安排的食谱,这次表演的众多成就中,还包括诗歌朗诵。