释义 |
1 ?闹剧表演 ... thirty something大约三十岁;三十上下;三十左右 ten-twenty-thirty闹剧表演 thirty years' war三十年战争 ... 2 ?由固定剧团定期换演剧目的剧场 ... 换水 changing the waer; changing the water 由固定剧团定期换演剧目的剧场 ten-twenty-thirty 换水孔 exchanging water hole ...
- 1
Simply dedicate a small chunk of time to basic idea generation: ten minutes, twenty, thirty, it’s up to you. 有时候生成创意可能只需要花十分钟,二十分钟,三十分钟,这完全取决于你。 - 2
We see around ten cases a day, sometimes twenty, thirty malaria cases a day. 我们每天能看到大约10个病例,有时候每天有20甚至30个。 - 3
It's quite simple: a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points. 非常简单:一次PowerPoint陈述,应该只有10页幻灯片,持续时间不超过20分钟,字体不小于30磅。