释义 |
the presentation of colors 颜色的呈现 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?是什么意思及用法 ... the presentation of colors是什么意思及用法 the powers that be的意思 the power of the keys是什么意思 ...
- 1
Notice the presence of elements and attributes with definition of presentation characteristics such as outline, padding, colors, and so on. 请注意出现的那些元素和属性,它们带有诸如轮廓、填充、颜色等表示特征的定义。 - 2
This means that the colors, the layout and the presentation of headings are all evaluated before any content is actually absorbed. 也就是说,颜色、布局和标题的展现方式,在内容被认可前就已被评估。 - 3
Perception card design, modeling both the aesthetic, or a reasonable mix of colors, or the rich presentation format. 众观名片设计,无论是造型的美观,还是色彩的合理搭配,或是版式的丰富编排。