释义 |
1 ?姓 ... 名字: Cocanougher 姓: Suzette 标签: Suzette Cocanougher ...
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You know what's in the crepe suzette? - 2
Crepes Suzette with Mixed Fruit, Choice Toppig Blueberry Sauce, Chocolate Sauce, Strawberry Sauce, Pineapple Sauce, Mango Sauce. 传统煎饼配水果,任选草莓酱,芒果酱,菠萝酱,巧克力酱。 - 3
The lady begins ordering practically everything on the menu, shrimp cocktail, pate, Caesar Salad, lobster, crepes Suzette, with no regard to the price. 女孩开始点菜了,她几乎点了菜单上所有的东西,鸡尾虾、派、凯撒沙拉、龙虾、柳橙可丽饼,完全不考虑价格。