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1 ?玩保龄球 ... bowl game: 玩保龄球 Super Bowl Post Game: 超级碗赛后节目 Rose Bowl Game: 玫瑰碗 ... 2 ?也称杯赛 Bowl指的是美国大学青果球常规赛后强队间进行的拼杀,也称杯赛(bowl game)。以是Rose Bowl应译为“一种植物的花杯赛”,可喻指“一种植物的花杯赛体育场”,即指在加州的“帕萨迪纳(Pasadena)体育场”。 3 ?碗杯赛 ... 用花边给衣服沿边儿 trim a dress with lace 在袖口上绲一条边儿 bind the cuffs 碗杯赛 bowl game ... 4 ?美式足球赛季后比赛 ... board game棋盘游戏 bowl game(优秀球队举行的)美式足球赛季后比赛 children's game儿童游戏 ...
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Fifty years ago, the bowl game was a different ball game. - 2
For example, it offers a Super Bowl package with tickets to the game, parties, and other festivities in addition to the regular air, car, and hotel reservations. 例如,它提供的超级碗(Super Bowl)套餐中除了有常规的机票、汽车和宾馆的预订外,还有比赛、聚会和其他庆典的票券。 - 3
During the Super Bowl, there was another football game of note between the big animals and the little animals. 超级杯赛里,最令人津津乐道的一场(game of note)是大动物和小动物的比赛。