释义 |
1 ?假霍乱 ... Asiatic cholera 亚细亚霍乱 sporadic cholera 假霍乱 Vibrios cholera 霍乱弧菌 ... 2 ?散发性霍乱 ... 肉垂性霍乱 wattle cholera 散发性霍乱 sporadic cholera 流行性霍乱, 亚洲霍乱 epidemic cholera ...
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The results were sporadic outbreaks of cholera and yellow fever, the worst of which was the yellow fever epidemic of 1853, accounting for more than 8, 000 deaths. 洪水过后多爆发霍乱和黄热病。 最严重的一次是1853年爆发的黄热病,造成约8,000多人死亡。 - 2
Results: The sporadic outbreak of vibrio cholera has some characters: including non toxic strain infection, low detection rate of plasmid and ct gene and increase of drug resistance. 结果:散发性霍乱以无毒株为主,质粒及肠毒素基因的携带率极低,但耐药性有所增加。 - 3
Methods: With serological and molecular techniques, we study chemical property, plasmid, CT gene and drug resistance of sporadic outbreak of vibro cholera in Shenzhen city. 方法:采用血清学和分子生物学相结合的方法,研究深圳地区散发不同血清型霍乱弧菌的生化特性、质粒、肠毒素基因携带和耐药状况。