释义 |
- 1
She took an exit ramp and stopped, and when he pulled up behind her, she got out of her car to yell at him, shaking a glass Perrier bottle in her hand. 她将车开到出口匝道并且停了下来,那个特工在她后面停了下来,她下车后冲他大喊,手里挥舞着一个玻璃矿泉水瓶。 - 2
After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man. 几分钟后,我不经意地伸出手,拿出了最后一块饼干,然后看了看那个男人。 - 3
Dried fruits were less expensive than fresh, and he had usually a pot of them, cooked and ready at hand, for they took the place of butter on his bread. 干果要比鲜果便宜,他通常都有一罐,做得好好的,可以随时取用,用它代替黄油涂面包。