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挂起模式 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In his global warming experiment, he suspended heaters in a grid pattern to create heated plots, then unheated plots, back and forth, so he can judge the effects side by side. 在他的全球变暖实验中,他按照格子状悬挂加热器,以组成加热区和非加热区,来来回回,这样来判款交互影响。 - 2
Through the detail study of the flow pattern in the transition of the reactor, the concept of suspended bed reactor had been developed. 进而对生物颗粒沉降、悬浮床反应器膨胀率等基本特性进行了数学模型的研究,并通过实验予以验证。 - 3
Eastern spit white, the sun rising, Rays, the few pieces of thin clouds Dai color, suspended in the distant horizon of mystery, to uphold the pattern changes, quiet and comfortable; 东方吐白,旭日冉冉升起,霞光里,几片薄薄的黛色云,悬浮在遥远神秘的天际,兀自变幻着图案,静谧而自在;