释义 |
1 ?暂时吊销执照 ... suspect 犯罪嫌疑人,疑犯 犯罪嫌疑人 suspended license 暂时吊销执照 暂时吊销执照 suspended sentence 缓刑 缓刑 ...
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He did get a ticket for driving the wrong way and with a suspended license, but again, thankfully no major injuries. 这名83岁的司机因逆行被罚款,驾照也被吊销,不过,所幸没有造成重大伤亡。 - 2
June 2007: Paris Hilton, socialite, serves twenty-two days in jail for speeding, DUI, driving with a suspended license, and violating probation. 2007年6月:社会名流帕丽斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton)因超速、酒后驾驶、驾照过期、违反缓刑条例等问题入狱32天。 - 3
In June 2004, she spent 48 hours in a Los Angeles jail after pleading guilty to hit and run, drunk driving, and driving with a suspended license. 在2004年6月,她在洛杉矶因醉酒驾驶后逃逸和打人获罪入狱48小时并被吊销驾照。