释义 |
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This scenario includes data such as customer transaction data, preferences, purchasing history, demographic information, survey data, customer call center notes and recordings, and so on. 这个场景包括各种数据,比如客户交易数据、偏好、购买历史、人口信息、问卷调查数据和客户呼叫中心记录等。 - 2
According to the last demographic survey (2003), the estimated population of the Malta at the end of that year (including non-Maltese residents) was 399,867. 根据上一次的人口统计调查(2003),估计马耳他在当年年末的人口数(包括非马耳他居民)为399,867。 - 3
"Everyone wants free time to do the things they want to do, young, middle-aged or old," said Richard Morin, of the Pew Social &Demographic Trends Project, which conducted the survey. 开展该调查的“皮尤社会与人口趋势项目”的理查德?莫林说:“无论青年、中年还是老年人,每个人都希望有空余时间去做自己想做的事情。”