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FIVE years ago, Britain's newly appointed information commissioner, Richard Thomas, gave warning that the public was in danger of "sleepwalking into a surveillance society". 五年前,英国新任命的信息专员理查德·托马斯曾发出警告,公众正面临着“在睡梦中步入监控社会”的危险。 - 2
"Some citizens have expressed discomfort at living in not a safer society but a 'surveillance society'," said Sam Palmisano, the boss of IBM, in a speech earlier this year. “一些市民已经表示生活在一个不仅没有安全感而且‘备受监督’的社会很不爽,”IBM老版萨姆·帕尔米萨诺在今年得早期演讲中提到。 - 3
"Watching Person of Interest, you can't help noticing how useful the show is in thinking about the future of the surveillance society," said the New Yorker's Joshua Rothman. “看《疑犯追踪》时,你会留意到,该剧对人们思考监视社会的未来大有用处,”《纽约客》杂志档案编辑约书亚·罗思曼说道。