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1 [审计]?突击核对 ... surprise audit 事先未予通知的审计 surprise check 突击核对 surprise count 突击清点 ...
- 1
Sometime in the weeks that follow this eclipse, you may get a surprise check, receive an offer to do a lucrative project, or be awarded a new professional position that pays well. 在此次日食之后接下来的几个星期,你或许会收到一个意外的收入,或许会接到一个利润丰厚的项目,也或者是收到一个不错的职位的奖金。 - 2
Several moments went by, one of the big Jacks pawed at the ground with his hooves and another looked behind him, as if to check the rear for a surprise attack. 过了好一会儿,其中一只大公驴用蹄子刨地,另一只回头望向他,似乎在检查后面那只是否会突然袭击。 - 3
Then, in surprise, she says, "Oh no, what did I do with my check book?"