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surplus 英/ ?s??pl?s / 美/ ?s??rpl?s / - 1
经济学 过剩 Economic growth is a good thing, but surplus indicates risk and crisis. 增长是好事,过剩则蕴育着风险和危机。 顺差 Reducing trade surplus and optimizing export structure needs to be solved urgently. “减顺差、调结构”成为我国对外贸易中亟待解决的热点问题。 盈余 When surplus is negative, the company debit from the bank in order to continue to manage, and of course they have to pay interest. 在此模型下,当盈余为负值时,公司通过向银行贷款的融资手段维持公司继续经营,这时保险公司需向银行支付一定的利息。 结余
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法学 过剩 The historical factor’s accumulation, the surplus of labor’s total quantity, the dual structure’s restriction of city and countryside as well as the technical factor are primary cause of creating employment contradiction . 历史因素的积累、劳动力总量过剩、城乡二元结构的制约以及技术性因素是造成我国就业矛盾突出的主要原因。
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