释义 |
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To demonstrate, let's apply a little database normalization to the previous example, splitting the owner field of PhoneNumber into a separate person table. 作为演示,我们将一个小的数据库规范化(normalization)应用于上一示例,将PhoneNumber的owner字段分割到单独的person表中。 - 2
Similarly, a mapping that describes the splitting of an address field into Line1, Line2, City, ZipCode would have one source column and four target columns. 类似地,如果一个映射描述的是将address字段分割为Line1, Line2, City, ZipCode,那么它将有一个源列和4个目标列。 - 3
The rate equations for a continuous four level laser are solved in this letter, taking into account the finite lower level lifetime and the crystal field splitting of the laser levels. 在考虑了有限的下能级寿命和激光能级与晶格场的相互作用的基础上,对四能级激光的速率方程组进行了求解。