释义 |
split screen 英/ ?spl?t ?skri?n / 美/ ?spl?t ?skri?n / 1 ?画面分割 画面分割(Split screens): iPad 萤幕大的好处之一,在相当多的 App 中,一如 iTunes、Mail 等,都有画面分割的设置,好处是让使用起来的感觉,更近于一般的电脑...
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Other cool things you can do with the screen command include having multiple Windows and split screens. - 2
A pianist turned actress, Weber began to write and direct as well and soon rose to the top using innovative camera angles, split screens and detailed backgrounds and locations. 从钢琴家变成演员的同时,韦伯也开始编剧和导演,并且很快上升到行业尖端,运用革新性的摄影角度、分屏、细化背景和外景。 - 3
Today's children spend an average of four and a half hours a day looking at screens, split between watching television and using the Internet. 现在的孩子平均每天花四个半小时看屏幕,一半看电视,一半上网。