释义 |
紧张的幻灯片 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?张力滑板 ... tension side ==> 紧边,皮带紧边,皮带主动边,受拉侧,主动边 tension sleeve ==> 受拉套管,(钢丝绳用)带丝扣套环 tension slide ==> 张力滑板 ...
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Chuck adopt new design of the lock structure, high tension network clip, not after not slide loose. 夹头采用全新设计的首锁网夹结构,高张力之后不滑网,不松脱。 - 2
In that case, tension is applied, and the threads slide by each other without turning when the explosive detonates. 这种情况下,施加拉力,爆炸时不用旋转,彼此滑脱即可。 - 3
The prestressed anchor cable is to exert prestressed tension on unstable rock mass or structure to improve anti-slide capacity and structural stress of unstable rock mass. 预应力锚索是针对可能不稳定的岩体或建筑物基础施加预应张力,以提高不稳定体的抗滑能力和结构力。