释义 |
- n.阿格塔人:菲律宾吕宋岛上的一个土著民族,以狩猎和采集为生。
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The simple fact that, for the first time in a GTA game, you can change weapons while driving. 一个简单的事实,这是第一次在多伦多比赛,你也可以更换武器,而驾驶。 - 2
Zhangjiagang GTA Plate Co. is a unit of China's Shagang Group, for whom ABB has delivered a number of key projects during the past ten years. 张家港GTA钢板公司是中国沙钢集团的下属企业,在过去的十年间,ABB为沙钢集团提供了众多的关键项目。 - 3
From a year-to-date perspective, the GTA resale housing market has declined 14 per cent from the 73,827 transactions recorded a year ago. 以一年以来的范畴看,大多伦多房屋转售市场,由一年前的73,827栋的成交量,下降了14个百分点。