释义 |
1 ?泰拉贝尔 我创造了这三个角色—你整晚上都会遇见他们—莱恩(Ryan),阿特拉斯(Atlas)以及泰拉贝尔(Tenenbaum)。三种截然不同的世界观;没有谁是绝对的坏人。 2 ?泰拉鲍姆 《生化奇兵》的结尾,当我们扮演的主角杰克在女科学家泰拉鲍姆(Tenenbaum)的帮助下,穿上生猛的“大老爹”(Big Daddy)潜水服,变成Mr.B的那一刻,头一次有了“安全”的感觉。 3 ?名字 ... 名字: Tenenbaum 姓: Janet 标签: Janet Tenenbaum ...
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Talk to Tenenbaum, then fight off the Splicer group attack. Before leaving on the train, however, search the benches for an audio diary. 犹金-特内波姆交谈,然后杀掉这些经营组织进攻。离开前,在火车上,然而,搜索的长凳上抹了防晒霜来一段录音游记。 - 2
"Toys imported from China, as toys manufactured in the United States and imported from other countries, all have to meet U.S. requirements and meet the U.S. laws," noted Tenenbaum. 从中国进口的玩具,跟在美国生产的玩具以及从其它国家进口的玩具一样,都必须符合美国的规定和美国的相关法律。 - 3
"Toys imported from China, as toys manufactured in the United States and imported from other countries, all have to meet U. S. requirements and meet the U. S. laws," noted Tenenbaum. 从中国进口的玩具,跟在美国生产的玩具以及从其它国家进口的玩具一样,都必须符合美国的规定和美国的相关法律。