...恢复时间:N/B使用效果:提高创伤抗力1影响目标:N/B持续时间:1分钟影响半径:N/B抵抗类型:N/B技能名称:治愈术(Tend the Sick)技能说明:你能够治愈队友的病。
技能名称:解除疾病(Tend the Sick)7 @8 g N* [6 q5 x 所属职业:贤者(Lore-Master): Z!
...5秒的伤害,持续10秒。具体描述:当你的动物盟友进攻敌人侧翼的时候,这个印记将回回复你的士气并对敌人造成伤害,正产使用时,随时间对敌人造成轻度伤害。技能名称:解除疾病(Tend the Sick)所属职业:贤者(Lore-Master)技能类型:主动技能等级:16学习花费:25银60铜持续时间:1MINSP消耗:36冷却时间:-影响半径:25影...
A rat or pigeon might not be the obvious choice to tend to someone who is sick, but these creatures have some superior skills that could help the treatment of human diseases.
Women seldom have the luxury of giving in to pain. Many have children or grandchildren or aging parents to tend, whether they themselves are sick or in emotional turmoil.
People also do not recognize the symptoms of food-borne illnesses and tend to blame them on the last thing they ate, so they do not connect how their earlier actions might have made them sick.