释义 |
1 ?说大话 ... a. 高的,长的,夸大的 talk tall 说大话 walk tall 大摇大摆地走 ... 2 ?吹牛 ... stand tall形象高大;站起来 talk tall吹牛 tall talk大话;言过其实的话 ...
- 1
They indulge in tall talk. - 2
My friend B., who is tall and gorgeous, jokes that she could have married an NBA player, but decided to go with the guy she can talk to all night—a graphic artist who comes up to her shoulder. 我的一个朋友B又高挑又养眼,开玩笑说她完全配得上NBA球员,但是最后却还是跟一个可以彻夜聊天、不觉无语的男人在一起了,这个男人是一个艺术家,但是身高只及B的肩膀。 - 3
A tall, thin boy became my deskmate, my deskmate also chatted with me, we talk about the game, chat to play, a lot of common language, therefore became good friends. 一个又高又瘦的男孩成了我的同桌,我同桌也和我聊了聊,我们聊游戏,聊打球,共同语言很多,因此成了好朋友。