释义 |
说话的时候,表 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
"Well, well," said the Mole, moving towards the supper-table, "you talk while I eat." “好啦,好啦,”鼹鼠莫尔说着,朝餐桌走去,“你一边说,我一边吃。” - 2
We all remember the basics our mothers taught us about table manners–no elbows on the dinner table and don’t talk with your mouth full. 我们都记得妈妈教给我们的基本餐桌礼仪-肘部不能搁在餐桌上,不能在满嘴含着饭时讲话。 - 3
They go to a near-by restaurant, find a quiet table, and talk things over over lunch. 他们可以去附近的餐馆,找一个安静的餐桌,在午餐的时候探讨工作上的事情。