释义 |
1 ?强力甲板 机库甲板即为强力甲板(strength deck),装甲即布置在此处。此种布置的额外好处是沉重的装甲重心较低,舰体稳定性较好,同时上层无防护甲板区域容易损管维护,而较轻的... 2 ?强度甲板 ... 标准张力法输送设备 stream transfer rig 强度甲板 strength deck 加强环 strengthening ring ... 3 ?强力船面 ... strength curves强度曲线 strength deck强力船面 stress concentrine应力蚁合 ...
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The strength deck, bottom, and side shell of a ship act as a box girder in resisting bending and other loads imposed on the structure. 船舶的强力甲板、船底板和舷侧外板在承受作用在船体结构上的弯曲和其他载荷中起一根箱型梁(船体梁)的作用。 - 2
The fitness center offers cardio and strength training equipment, an outdoor yoga deck, tennis courts, and a selection of workout classes. 健身中心提供有氧和力量训练设备,一个户外瑜伽甲板,网球场,和一个训练班的选择。 - 3
Therefore, we adopt finite element software to establish finite element model of local deck structure, calculate structure stresses and to check its strength. 因此采用大型有限元计算软件建立甲板局部结构模型,对系泊工况下甲板局部加强进行强度校核。