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street credibility 美/ stri?t ?kred??b?l?ti / 1 ?街头信誉 然而,他却在Street Credibility(街头信誉)上有了滑坡。首先,放眼同时期,LL Cool J不再是MC中的一枝独秀,他要与Boogie Down Productions, EPMD, Eric B & Rakim 这样强大...
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“It has a sort of street credibility that’s not there with traditional media, ” she says. 她说,“Twitter似乎有一种传统媒体所不具备的口碑效应。” - 2
Trying to do something socially constructive, lke being a role model, will make you seem overearnest and probably hurt your street credibility. 努力做一些于社会具有建设性的事情,比如成为人们的榜样,将使你看起来过于正统,也许会有损你在 追星族 中的声望。 - 3
He was talking about the one thing Wall Street still has plenty of thanks to those bailouts, despite its total loss of credibility: money. 他的意思是尽管华尔街完全失去了信誉,他们依然就资助的一件事非常感谢:金钱。