释义 |
1 ?地表水量 ... surface tillage 表土耕作 surface water capacity 地表水量 surface water 地面水 ...
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And the regional environmental capacity (air environmental capacity, surface water capacity) and the allowable discharge amounts of the main pollutants were estimated and analyzed. 并对区域环境容量(大气环境容量、地表水环境容量)及主要污染物允许排放量作了估算与分析。 - 2
CDT, oil flowed freely into the water, collected only by the Q4000 surface vessel, with a capacity of about 378,000 gallons. 这些泄漏的石油目前靠Q 4000集油船收集清理,而每艘Q 4000的集油能力大约为378,000加仑。 - 3
Gray says the ocean's thermal heat capacity is high and sea-surface temperatures are increasing; what's more, a La Nina effect, bringing cold water to the eastern equatorial Pacific, has taken hold. 格雷表示,目前海洋的热容量很高,海面温度也在不断上升;而且更为重要的是,在拉尼娜现象的作用之下,冰冷的海水被带到东太平洋赤道处。