...合同运价的形式 业务活动方面 2、调整运输结构 ICC终止法 于1996年1月1日成立了地面运输委员会(Surface Transportation Board,STB),设在运输部内 铁路方面:主要负责审批铁路公司之间的联合、兼并 等;对铁路经营活动管制。
...e of the Secretary); ? 总检官办公室(Office of the Inspector General); 2 ? 地面交通委员会(Surface Transportation Board). 以上各职能部门所占预算资金份额也列于表一.
The railroads retort that despite record traffic and profits, their return on investment since 2000 has been only 8%, which according to the Surface Transportation Board, another federal regulator, barely covers the cost of capital.
ECONOMIST: American railways