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1 [林]?地表火 【正文快照】: 自然火是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,它以从地表火(surface fire)到 树冠火 ( crown fire )的多种形态调整森林生态系统的树种组成、年龄结构和空间(景观)格局(PringleMarstall,1995;徐化成,1998;... 2 ?表面起火 ... 表面起火 surface fire 列车起火 Train Fire 隧道起火 Tunnel Fire ... 3 ?仅燃烧林地表面的枯枝落叶或林下灌木 [ ground fire ] 腐植质层燃烧的一种森林火灾,通常不露出表面 [ surface fire ] 仅燃烧林地表面的枯枝落叶或林下灌木、草层的一种森林火灾 [ ground beetle ] 步行虫科的甲虫,身体扁,棕黑色,雄的有翅,雌的无翅常在住宅墙根的土内活动。 4 ?表面火灾 ... 深层火灾 Deep-Seated fire 表面火灾 Surface fire 延长线 Extension cords ...
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Improve the product dimension, enhance the diversity of color and surface fire, water, wear and so on. 提高了产品立体感、增强了产品颜色的多样化及表面防火、防水、耐磨等特点。 - 2
In this paper, a solid phase material fire experimental bed, which has more slope segments, has been used to simulate upslope forest surface fire. 应用自行研制的“多坡段固相材料火蔓延实验台”,模拟森林地表火的蔓延过程,对变坡度情况下森林地表上坡火行为规律进行了实验研究。 - 3
The forest fire in South China is special for its concentrative time-distribution, the high rate of occurence, the limited fire area and mainly with surface fire. 本文论述了南方林区森林火灾时间分布集中、发生率高、面积小,并以地表火为主的特征;总结了气象卫星资料的林火信息特征和非林火干扰信息规律;