释义 |
橙色命令 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?橙带党 新教徒还组 织了一个“橙带党”(the Orange Order)组织,来同天主教徒 斗争[2](P.640)。
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An influential group of Californian police officers, the Orange County Coalition of police and Sheriffs, also came out against the move last week, saying that it would hurt law and order. 上周,加州一个富有影响力的警察群体奥兰治县警方和执政官联盟也站出来反对这一举措,认为这将损害法律和秩序。 - 2
"Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain," for example, is a mnemonic for recalling the colors of the visible spectrum in the right order (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). 比如,“纽约的理查德进攻失败”,就是一种按正确顺序回忆起可见光颜色(红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫)的记忆方法。 - 3
In order to hold onto a piece of the green and the orange diarrhea, to me, were no longer just brilliant. 那一片为了守住绿色而泻下的橘黄,带给我的,已不再只是灿烂。