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1 ?奥德赛 0分送上中文名称:奥德赛 英文名称:The Odyssey 别名:奥德赛之七海神怪录;Die Abenteu要两部与此相关的电影希腊神话众神:宙斯(Zeus):天神,希腊神话中最高的神,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子。赫拉(Her 2 ?奥德赛泡泡龙 奥德赛泡泡龙 (The Odyssey)硬盘版 英文版介绍 3 ?奥德塞 在我看来逃狱三王就既不荒诞也不怪异,你或者并不同意它是后现代版本的奥德塞(the odyssey),但它却令我产生了莫可名状的会心,并进而爱上soundtrack那些一向不太感兴趣的乡谣,尤其是i am a man of constant sorrow,与i... 4 ?奥德修记 ... Odyssey《奥德赛》 The Odyssey奥德修记 2001: A Space Odyssey2001太空漫游 ...
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In terms of both structure and theme, the Odyssey and Liked were also oddly formulaic, to the point of predictability. 无论在结构还是主题上看,《奥德赛》和《宠儿》都是非常公式化的,甚至到了可以预见的程度。 - 2
Of Homer's two epic poems, the Odyssey has always been more popular than the Iliad, perhaps because it not particularly likable hero. 在荷马的两部史诗中,《奥德赛》一直比《伊利亚特》更受欢迎,也许是因为它不是特别受欢迎的英雄。 - 3
Parry realised that if you were setting out to create memorable poems, the Odyssey and the Iliad were exactly the kind of poems you'd create. 帕里意识到,如果你要创作出令人难忘的诗歌,《奥德赛》和《伊利亚特》正好符合你要创作的那一类诗歌。