以“门罗主义”(the Monroe Doctrine)着称,即宣布美洲大陆不再是欧洲列强的殖民地,以杜绝“神圣同盟”的觊觎。简约为“美洲是美洲人的美洲",借以扩展美国的影响。
Also known as their “Second War of Independence” 3 门罗宣言(The Monroe Doctrine) (背景 内容 评价) 1) 背景: ① Shifted attention to Latin America ② In 1819, forced the Spanish to cede Florida ③ Eur...
When woven together, as they would be in policies ranging from theMonroeDoctrine to the Marshall Plan, they were the warp and woof of a sturdy foreign policy.
The noncolonization principle of theMonroeDoctrine implied that the United States intended to extend its business interests and establish its hegemony in the America continent;
His corollary to theMonroeDoctrine prevented the establishment of foreign bases in the Caribbean and arrogated the sole right of intervention in Latin America to the United States.