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国王学院 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?国王学院 ... 杰德森学院 Judson College 国王学院 The King's College 鲁斯特学院 Rust College ...
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Sarah Chen, the briskly efficient president of the King's College London Business Club, takes to the podium. 上台领取他们的奖项。 伦敦国王商会的负责人陈沙拉为他们颁奖。 - 2
The King's College London Business Club, to which Ella belongs, has 2,700 members who gather under the motto: "Business. It's in everyone's genes". 以艾拉所在的伦敦国王学院的商务会所为例,已有2700个成员为该协会的“商业,众人基因所在”这句格言而聚首。 - 3
The King's College London Business Club, to which Ella belongs, has 2, 700 members who gather under the motto: "Business. It's in everyone's genes". 以艾拉所在的伦敦国王学院的商务会所为例,已有2700个成员为该协会的“商业,众人基因所在”这句格言而聚首。