... agio 差价;贴水 agreement for a settlement授产协议 agreement fo 汇票怎 出纳业务术语:货币资金 承兑汇票怎样贴息么兑现 r assignment 转让协议 ...
... agreed settlement 一致同意的处理; 一致同意的解决办法 agreement for a settlement授箔议; 授产协议 agricultural settlement 农垦 ...
Mr Mitchell says that the parties will work on a framework agreementforasettlement of Palestine's permanent status, which Mr Netanyahu continues to insist is doable in a year.
Palestinian officials have been pushing for an early agreement on borders, which U.S. officials say would go a long way toward de-fusing the settlement issue.
Article 18. After an application for reorganization is submitted, the enterprise shall propose a draft settlementagreement to the creditors' meeting.