释义 |
- 草鞋:一种用稻草、麦秸等植物纤维编织而成的鞋子,通常用于农村地区。
1 ?芒鞋 ... 拖对比 沙龙网址一下射箭沙龙鞋 loafer,ugg classic lofty; slippers 芒鞋 straw shoe 菲律宾娱乐沙龙串珠鞋 beaded shoe ... 2 ?草鞋 ... 草场上用鞋(网球鞋,足球鞋等) court shoes 草鞋 straw shoes; snearly as well nearly aswoulss 侧边装有松紧带的短靴 gusset sneaker styles ...
- 1
At the market, having found a shoe-stall, he felt in his pockets, only to find that the straw was not there. So he said to the shoemaker, "I've left the measurement at home, so I don't know the size." 他来到市上,找到了卖鞋子的摊子,摸了摸口袋,不见了记尺码的稻草。就对卖鞋的说:“尺码忘在家里了,不晓得大小,让我回家拿尺码去! ”。 - 2
At the market, having found a shoe-stall, he felt in his pockets, only to find that the straw was not there. 在商场里,他以为量尺寸的稻草在他口袋里,于是就找了一下,结果发现稻草并不在那里。 - 3
At the market, having found a shoe-stall, he felt in his pockets, only to find that the straw was not there. 他来到市上,找到了卖鞋子的摊子,摸了摸口袋,不见了记尺码的稻草。