释义 |
1 ?草肥 ... 草覆虫:paramecium 草肥:straw manure 草豆腐:pultubu ... 2 ?秸秆肥 ... 秸秆气化炉 LD-III 秸秆肥 straw manure 玉米秸秆 corn stalk ; maize straw ; corn stover ; Corn straw ...
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In waves, in clouds, in big round whirls the dust comes stinging, and with it little bits of straw and chaff and manure. 像一排排的浪潮,像一团团的云彩,像一个个又大又圆的漩涡,尘土夹杂着细碎的秸秆、谷壳、肥料向她袭来。 - 2
Manure, straw, biogas and other agricultural organic wasting are not only high quality fertilizer resources, but also the factors of environmental pollution. 畜禽粪便、秸秆、沼肥等农业有机废弃物不仅是优质的肥料资源,同时也是环境污染因子。 - 3
As well as burning wood chips, willow tree cuttings and sawdust, biomass power stations can use agricultural waste such as straw and even poultry manure to create electricity. 除了燃烧木屑、柳树碎片和锯屑,生物质能发电厂还可以利用农业废弃物,如秸秆,甚至是禽粪垫草来发电。