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约翰·厄普代克 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
John Updike chronicled these things and more in his decades of writing, and in this story he lets us in on the one release we all have: time. 约翰·厄普代克通过他的笔耕把这些以及更多的事件编进该篇小说里,他让我们大家都知道一个人解脱了我们大家都拥有的东西:时间。 - 2
Before he died in 1982, Cheever was ranked third, behind Saul Bellow and John Updike, in a survey of living American writers whose work would live on for generations. 在他1982年去世之前的一个“美国在世作家谁的作品可以传世”的调查中,契弗排名第三,排在索尔·贝娄和约翰·厄普代克之后。 - 3
My second novel, “Chronicle in Stone, ” was greeted by a very kind essay by John Updike, writing in The New Yorker. 我写的第二部小说《石头里的编年史》受到约翰-厄普代克发表在《纽约人》的一篇善意的评论的好评。