释义 |
爬到门上 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?上翻门 ... 上罩 upper shield 上翻门 tilt-up door ;up and over door 上肩胛骨 suprascapula ...
- 1
I alwayshang it on the door, and somehow it ends up on the filing cabinet, or over achair. 我总是把它挂在门后,可不知道为什么后来会出现在文件柜上,或者椅子上。 - 2
After I finally get the door to lean against the grimy brick exterior and lean over to pick up the bag, the door slams shut, making me jump about 6 feet in the air. 我花了九牛二虎之力把门斜倚在肮脏的外墙上再俯身拿起垃圾袋的时候,这门突然呯的关上了,吓得我凭空跳起6英尺。 - 3
Over time, however, Mexico has learnt that speaking too openly about its aspirations and concerns can stir up the hornets next door. 但是,久而久之,墨西哥现在已认识到过于公开谈论其愿望和顾虑将惹恼北边的难缠人物。