... 沙利文县(Sullivan County) 泰奥加县(Tioga County) 汤普金斯县(Tompkins County) ...
泰加 taiga; tayga; tega; teiga; tioga county 加林 gahlin; galien; galing; gallien; galling; galyun; garing ..
Seneca has been withdrawing polluted water from the Arnot No. 5 coal mine in Tioga County since late 2010 and piping it some 6 miles to the well pad.
WSJ: Pa. pushes drillers to frack with coal mine water
The board recommended county-level inquiries to decide if CMC is to continue to provide services at the Broome, Tioga and Dutchess county jails.
WSJ: Pa. service company probed over NY inmate deaths