共有 2592笔 & 特务爱很大(This Means War )汤姆哈迪 克里斯潘 芮丝薇斯朋 Rebel Wilson 提尔史威格 塔克(汤姆哈迪饰)和FDR(克里斯潘饰) 是美国中情局的顶尖探员,两人各自...
mtime光阴网1月27日报道20世纪福斯单位不久前公布,将2012年度爱情举措悲剧《情敌大战》(this means war)在美利坚合众国地映期提早至情人节当日,大有抢占节日票房冠军地势头。
...还曾带着自己讲述20年代背景的电影《无法无天》(Lawless) 亮相,同时另一部轻松诙谐的爱情喜剧电影《特工争风》(This Means War) 也在国内风风火火的上映过。
她在电影界仍然炙手可热,就好像她即将上映的影片《情敌战争》(This Means War),讲述两名中情局特工卷入一场三角恋。
Thismeanswar: Christopher Nolans second film not set in the present (or future) is an epic tableau about the rescue of hundreds of thousands of troops from the French coast.
Thismeanswar: Christopher Nolan's second film not set in the present (or future) is an epic tableau about the rescue of hundreds of thousands of troops from the French coast.
We must remember that Afghanistan, just as Iraq, is not a classic war of attrition—this is counter-insurgency, and it will not be won by military means alone.