

单词 academy of medical sciences
academy of medical sciences
  • 简明释义
  • 医学科学院:英国医学界最高的学术荣誉机构,类似于美国的美国国家医学院。
  • 网络释义
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    ...英国医学科学院Academy of Medical Sciences),是英国医学科学界最高的学术荣誉机构,是英国五大学术院(皇家学会、皇家工程院、不列颠学院、医学科学院、爱丁堡皇家学会)之...

  • 2


    英国医学科学院(Academy of Medical Sciences)一份有关大脑、上瘾和药物的报告称,认知增强剂可以潜在增强健康人的脑部活动,例如记忆力、注意力和思考速度等。

  • 3


    ...ay博士是利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)生理学系的教授和前任系主任,也是医学科学学院Academy of Medical Sciences)的一位研究员。她的研究方向是平滑肌的生理学及其收缩机制。

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    Four professional bodies - the Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society - have all said use of "smart" drugs raise serious ethical, philosophical, regulatory and economic issues.

    BBC: 'Smart' drugs debate in Bristol

  • 2.

    Four professional bodies - the Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society - say that while human enhancement technologies might improve our performance and aid society, their use raise serious ethical, philosophical, regulatory and economic issues.

    BBC: Concern over 'souped up' human race

  • 3.

    Brown brings scientific clout to the debate--he's a member of the National Academy of Sciences and an investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute--and a realization that the arguments for change need to be economic, not just ethical.

    FORBES: Technology





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