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1 ?塔尔卡瓦诺 塔尔卡瓦诺(Talcahuano)是智利比奥比奥大区的海港城市和直辖市,面积148.29平方公里,2002年人口250,348,人口密度为每平方公里1,873人,是智利人口第七... 2 ?塔尔卡瓦纳 ... 瓦尔帕莱索 Valparaiso 塔尔卡瓦纳 Talcahuano 圣文申特 San Vicente ... 3 ?塔尔卡华诺 位于库里科市西南部250多公里的港口城市塔尔卡华诺(Talcahuano),遭到威力强大的巨浪侵袭。海浪将拖网渔船从港口扫到市区广场,港边停泊的大小船只,也被巨浪摧残成一堆扭曲木块和废铁。 4 ?塔尔卡诺瓦 塔尔卡诺瓦(Talcahuano)逐日天气预报:
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So was the big fishing port at Talcahuano, in the south, as well as quays in many smaller fishing towns. 塔尔·卡瓦纳南部的渔港以及一些小的鱼镇码头都受严重损坏。 - 2
The wire rescue capsules were made at the naval shipyard in Talcahuano, in southern Chile, and two navy paramedics were lowered to check the men's health. 无线救生舱是在智利南部德塔尔卡瓦诺的海军造船厂制造出来的,两名海军护理人员降至井下检查矿工们的健康。