备战国王杯的赛前新闻发布会上,瓜迪奥拉则谈到另一人选,那便是目前 执教 ( Coaching )毕尔巴鄂的贝尔萨(Bielsa),两人的足球理念有许多相同之处,瓜迪奥拉(Diaora)指出,一个人往往会在最奇怪的时候、最奇怪的地方,..
别尔萨3星级酒店(1家) 贝尔萨酒店(Bielsa)
” 马图拉纳的看法是可以理解的,只要你看一看比尔萨(Bielsa)的阵容就知道了:意大利罗马队的巴蒂斯图塔(Batistuta),意大利拉齐奥队的克雷斯波(Crespo),英国曼联队的维隆(Veron),西班牙瓦...
贝尔萨 ; 比尔萨 ; 比尔沙 ; 别尔萨
贝尔萨 ; 马赛罗·贝尔萨
Current coach Marcelo Bielsa took over after France 98, and Sorin was straight back in the squad.
BBC: Sorin soars to fresh fields
But England have the attacking tools to hurt the South Americans - as Bielsa is well aware.
BBC: Argentina's case for the defence
But when Bielsa also opted to do away with specialist full backs, Sorin was relegated to the bench.