释义 |
1 ?索伯网 用索伯网(Surber)定量采样法,在河南省沙河上游水系1、2、3和4级支流的18个样点采集108个样方,总面积27m^2,共获水生昆虫9目78科95属种4842只,并分别... 2 ?名字 ... 所属州: KS 名字: Surber 姓: John ...
- 1.
Surber left the family behind in Saltville, Virginia, so he could head out to West Virginia's coal mines. CNN: Great Depression holds lessons for surviving tough economy - 2.
Pam van Hylckama Vlieg of Williamsburg, Virginia, says her great grandfather, Glen Surber, resorted to stealing food at times because he had hit rock-bottom. CNN: Great Depression holds lessons for surviving tough economy - 3.
Adobe has released two promotional videos, the first a quick introduction to Adobe Edge Reflow and the second a brief interview with Adobe Reflow product manager Jacob Surber, to show Reflow in action. FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down