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1 ?脊髓损伤 犬神经系统疾病_脊髓损伤(spinal cord trauma),资讯 畜禽,疾病处方,疾病诊断,新技术,处方指南,中兽药,zhongshouyao,中兽药 中兽药,中兽药,... 2 ?脊髓外伤 ...Charcot-Marie-Tooth病Roussy-Levy病⑶脊髓浮泛症(Syringomyelia)⑷脊髓肿瘤(Spinal cord tumor)⑸脊髓外伤(Spinal cord trauma)(二)跳大神经器官元(Lower motor neuron)⑴脊髓灰质炎(Poliomyelitis)⑵其它病毒性脊髓炎(other viral myelitides)⑶创伤(trauma...
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Objective To study the feature of objective checking rule of spinal cord trauma. - 2
Methods:LPS was used to induce the activation of microglias, while weight drop technique was done to induce rat spinal cord trauma. 方法:LPS刺激模拟小胶质细胞的炎症活化,自由落体打击法建立脊髓创伤大鼠模型。 - 3
Physicians examining a facial trauma patient also need to rule out, among other serious injuries, damage to the brain, spinal cord, and eyes. 外科医生首先要排除掉脑损伤、脊髓损伤和眼部损伤的病人,让那些病人优先进行相应的救治,其次才是对颅面部损伤的医治。